Free Anti-Virus Software: Microsoft Security Essentials now available

Well, it’s been a bit of a wait for us Australian’s but we now have access to the Microsoft Security Essentials software. This is great news for everyone.

You may remember back not so long ago when Microsoft released the Microsoft Anti-Spyware BETA then that package transformed into Windows Defender upon full release.
Now days Defender is a stock standard option in Windows Vista operating systems and Windows 7 as well. This is all completely free protection which is trusted and proven.
Free of course when you run a genuine copy of Windows.

So now this new release which during it’s BETA was only available to US and Canada markets is fully available to everyone here in Australia. You can download it today for FREE by visiting

Notes for those who are interested in Downloading:

  • It’s a known general practice not to have more than one type of Anti-Virus software application installed at the same time. If you are currently using another product please remove this and reboot your system before loading on the Microsoft Security Essentials product.
  • If you are/were a Windows Live OneCare user previously, please be aware that Windows Live OneCare is now replaced by Microsoft Security Essentials. Microsoft have stated on the OneCare web site that it plans to support and see-out any existing subscriptions but is not accepting any new orders. This means you would now go and download Security Essentials instead.
  • Microsoft Security Essentials is a proven product than uses the same updates, definitions and engines to its parent product from Microsoft called Microsoft Forefront Security. If you haven’t heard of this product before that’s because it’s only commonly used in large-scale enterprise networks. It’s been engineered for 500-5000+ computer networks so I.T teams can be assured there systems are protected and secure. This should be enough assurance that the Microsoft Security Essentials product will be suitable for consumer markets.
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